If only they had been so generous to Zenyatta and moved the finish line 25 yards further.
There were three seconds remaining on the clock in a tie game, the Bruins too far away to attempt a field goal, but then the referee announced he was giving UCLA four seconds to play.
So the Bruins called a quick pass to the sideline, the ball caught by Randall Carroll, who stopped for a soda after catching the pass and took time to wave to his family before stepping out of bounds.
There's no time left on the clock.
The referee announces there will be overtime.
But then UCLA asks for a replay, the unseen replay official upstairs left to determine if the Bruins should get another second to attempt a game-winning field goal.
A good guess he doesn't want to sit here for overtime either.
The Holiday Bowl has two scouts here. The Holiday Bowl is known for attracting exciting teams, which explains why they both leave early in the fourth quarter with no interest in who wins.
Those who stay have to wait on the unseen replay official to determine if there will be overtime. UCLA sports information director Marc Dellins says he has no idea or information who the replay official might be. R.More: Official Time
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